Why Many Visit Urgent Care Centers for STD Tests

Each year, many people engage in unprotected sex. It’s important to note that these actions can have serious consequences including obtaining sexually transmitted diseases. With that in mind, it’s important to have STD testing regularly conducted. In this post, you’ll learn where to obtain STD tests as well as common signs of these diseases.
Where to go for Same Day STD Testing
It’s understandable to want to get these tests done as fast and efficiently as possible. Data from 2003 to 2009 found that mean wait time in an emergency room increased from 46.5 to 58.1 minutes. Considering that, many who want fast STD testing visit urgent care facilities. In addition, you’ll find it costs far less to have these tests conducted in an urgent care environment. In fact, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey found that the average emergency room visitor will pay $1,138 per visit.
Common Signs of an STD
While it might seem unpleasant, it’s important to check yourself for signs of an STD. It’s always advisable to have protection during intercourse. However, the next best thing people do is visit STD testing clinics in order to make sure they’re safe. With that in mind, here are several side effects of having an STD.
- Painful sensations while urinating
- Red sores around your reproductive areas
- Sudden sickness that you’re unable to explain
That being said, these are only a few signs that someone has an STD. It’s always advisable to visit a same day STD testing facility in order to have these tests performed by medical professionals. You’ll find that these facilities allow for STD testing to be performed in a fast and efficient manner. If your test results are positive, you can schedule another appointment to find out the best course of medical action to take.
To summarize, it’s understandable to have several questions about STDs. That being said, it’s important to know the importance of having regular STD tests performed. Many people feel that same day STD testing is easily conducted at urgent care facilities. These locations are able to ensure that patients are treated as fast as possible. In turn, many of these facilities are able to provide patients with same day STD testing.