What to Expect from ADD and ADHD Testing

Attention deficit disorder or ADD is a condition that affects many people. It’s often difficult for those with this condition to concentrate for long periods of time. In addition, there is a similar condition known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. This condition is different from ADD due to the fact that it includes bouts of hyperactivity. In this post, you’ll learn about ADD and ADHD testing as well as risk factors for these conditions.
Receiving ADD or ADHD Testing
You might feel confused about whether you have ADD or ADHD. With that in mind, you’ll want to consider receiving either ADD or ADHD testing. It can be understandably difficult to ascertain whether someone has ADD or ADHD without proper assessments. In turn, ADHD or ADD testing must be conducted. Certain individuals might be able to qualify for free ADD or ADHD testing.
In many cases, ADD and ADHD can be difficult to properly diagnose. Therefore, you should expect proper testing for these conditions to involve several steps. For instance, you might need to visit a specialist in order to receive ADD or ADHD testing. In turn, this process could involve speaking to professionals as well as taking a series of tests or neuropsychological evaluations. You’ll likely be asked about your medical history. Therefore, it’s wise to have this information ready to present to professionals while undergoing ADD or ADHD testing.
People at Risk for These Conditions
It’s understandable to wonder which type of people are the most likely to be diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. Statistics show that nearly 6.4 million children throughout the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD. Unfortunately, nearly anyone can be diagnosed with these conditions. Research does show that ADHD is far more common in males. In fact, statistics show that boys are 13.2% likely to be diagnosed with this condition while girls have a 5.6% likelihood of an ADHD diagnosis.
Many people also wonder whether these conditions affect adults or children. Considering that, it’s important to know that adult ADD or ADHD both exist. Adults suffering from ADD also deal with stress, depression, and other types of emotional problems. In turn, one study found that this makes these adults three times more likely to miss work because of their overall condition. Therefore, adult ADD assessments exist in order for older individuals to receive testing.
What Happens After Testing Concludes
After receiving ADHD or ADD assessments, it’s understandable to wonder what happens next. If your results show that you have either or both of these conditions, you’ll want to begin a treatment plan. This stage involves professionals recommending ways for you to treat the conditions you’re living with. It’s important to note that a series of test can determine whether you have certain conditions. However, treatment plans are often needed to ensure patients have the tools needed to manage ADD and ADHD.
In closing, many people live with disorders affecting their ability to properly focus. Many with attention problems suffer from ADD, ADHD, or a combination of these conditions. If you suspect you might have these conditions, consider undergoing medical testing. These tests are generally non invasive ways to determine if you suffer from one of several attention deficit disorders.