Dealing with chronic back pain can make it challenging to do your daily activities and may prevent you from going to work. When you have back pain, you may wonder about its cause. In addition, you may also wonder how it can be relieved. Over-the-counter medication doesn’t seem to be adequate, and wearing a back support can restrict your breathing.

One frequent complaint is bra line back pain. According to French Chiropractor, this pain can be caused by large breasts or sometimes by pregnancy. The weight of your breasts may be too heavy for your bra. Doctors may recommend posture exercises or a custom-made bra.

Lower back pain due to walking could also be caused by poor posture. With posture exercises, low back pain while walking can be relieved. If your spine feels bruised when touched, it could mean you have a herniated disc. This condition is caused by poor spinal alignment.

Chiropractors will use manual adjustments

Many people who experience back pain, including those with herniated discs, turn to a chiropractor for back pain treatment. Chiropractors will use manual adjustments to correct the spine’s alignment and relieve back pain. These adjustments can provide ongoing relief for people with chronic back pain.

The human skeleton is a product of evolution, designed for a lifetime of walking upright on two legs. Millions of years ago, this gave our early ancestors a distinct advantage as they adopted a running and hunting lifestyle, and this resulted in an S-shaped spine, an upright pelvic bone, long legs, and arched feet. But walking upright like this also means fighting gravity more acutely, and even today, many people around the world suffer from back pain and other chronic pain issues. Many statistics are being kept to track how often people suffer from back pain and spinal issues, and many working Americans today can expect to have some back pain sooner or later. Fortunately, though, only serious cases of spinal or back injury call for invasive surgery. Otherwise, rehab tools and systems in hospitals can use non invasive methods to help a patient recover during physical therapy. And don’t forget chiropractors, massage experts, and yoga experts, who can use non invasive methods to help a patient clear up back pain.

Back Pain Rates and Causes

How often to Americans suffer from back pain or spinal issues, and what are some common causes? The numbers show that at any given time, around 31 million working Americans are experiencing back pain of some sort, and experts say that around 80% of the population will experience lower back pain issues at some point in their lives. One in three women and one in four men have back pain issues of some sort, and around 50% of all working Americans are experiencing pain of this nature.

As for causes, a number have been identified through surveys and other statistics. A common cause is performing years of hard manual labor, since such physical stress can wear out the spine and the back muscles alike, such as during construction work. A pregnant woman may experience back distress during her pregnancy, and anyone who suffers physical trauma such as a car crash or sports injury may end up with back pain issues. Simple old age is also known to cause spinal and lower back pain, since many years of fighting gravity will cause the spine to collapse on itself and bend forward. This can reduce mobility, pinch nerves, and strain the muscles, causing pain and stiffness among the elderly. As for solutions, pain clinics, chiropractors, yoga experts, and massage experts can be of help in cases that don’t call for full-blown surgery. Rehab tools can go a long way, as can chiropractic adjusting tools or range of motion testing solutions.

Rehab Tools at a Hospital

Suppose a patient in a hospital is recovering from trauma, such as a sports injury or car accident, and they have back pain or spinal issues. Now it is time for physical therapy, and the patient may undergo a variety of tests and exercises to restore their strength, balance, coordination, and more. Such rehab tools may include stretchy bands, which the patient can stretch out to test the limits of their strength, arcs of motion, and pain threshold. Other rehab tools include handheld muscle testing devices that deal a physical strike to a small area of the body, and measure the readings. What is more, the therapist can use motion capture cameras to record the patient’s movements, and use advanced software to study those movements and determine the patient’s progress. All of this and more can help a patient recover their physical capabilities and reduce bodily pain until they are fit to be released.

Doctors and Pain

Someone who suffers from chronic back pain can consult their doctor, and then get referred to a specialist who may offer non invasive solutions. A chiropractor is a good example, and at a chiropractor’s office, the doctor will use simple chiropractic adjustment tools and even their bare hands to realign the patient’s bones and muscles. Doing this can relieve pressure on nerves or joints and loosen muscles, which can relieve the patient of pain and restore their flexibility. Going to a yoga studio for private sessions can bring about similar results as the patient performs bends and stretches, and a massage expert at a parlor can help loosen up the patient’s muscles and thus relieve pressure on bones and nerves to clear up pain.