Can’t Get To the Hospital? Try A Walk In Clinic

Do you know where you will go if you need immediate medical attention? For some it might be a hospital or their primary care doctor. For many others, the answer might be a walk in clinic. A walk in clinic can have numerous advantages over a traditional hospital for the treatment of medical conditions that require immediate attention. Your local walk in clinic could be a great, affordable option for you.
While urgent care centers have grown in popularity, many people might still not be familiar with them. The walk in clinic started to become popular in America during the 1970’s and has boomed in popularity since then. They can be stand alone buildings or even be a part of a larger shopping plaza. Urgent care centers also have the benefit of being able to treat a variety of maladies, such as burns, strep throat, and ear infections. The most common diagnosis for walk in clinics in 2012 was upper respiratory infections.
Most walk in clinics can offer emergency room services for 40% or 50% of the price of a similar service at a hospital. These savings can be a great way for families with less medical coverage to get after hours urgent care without breaking the bank. For those who are afraid of being able to pay hospital bills, a walk in clinic can be a great alternative.
Walk in clinics also have the added benefit of being fast. They are often located closer to your home than the hospital and take a shorter time to reach. Furthermore, they take less time once you get into the urgent care center. About 80% of urgent care center visits are over within 60 minutes of arriving. This is in stark contrast to the hospital where you might have to wait a few hours to see someone.
An urgent care clinic can offer many benefits that a hospital can’t. They are cheaper, faster, and closer than most hospitals. Next time you need immediate attention, consider a walk in clinic. Find a local walk in clinic online or in the phonebook. Read more: