Scalp pigmentation

As unpleasant as it might be to endure, hair loss is quite common for men in the United States. Experts estimate that 60% of all men nationally will indeed suffer from noticeable hair loss by the time they reach the age of 65. But the process of balding can even begin much earlier than that, and men as young as 20 can face hair loss due to a number of different factors.

The most common of these is genetics, but high-stress work environments, poor nutrition, smoking and unexpected hormonal changes all play into premature baldness. In the past, men of all ages have looked into hair transplants to help them recover the follicles they’ve lost, but a new procedure called scalp micropigmentation is making the rounds as a premier alternative that’s both less invasive and less complicated than any major surgery.

Interested to find out exactly how scalp pigmentation treatment works? Here’s a breakdown of the main processes that make up the overall treatment.

The Evaluation

To get the full benefits of your scalp pigmentation treatment (also called a “hair tattoo”), you’ll have to visit your doctor for a few separate sessions. During the first one, a trained hair tattoo technician will evaluate your scalp and use special tools to approximate the color of your natural hair. You’ll talk styles, and the experts at the hair clinic will be able to show you options for different shading and shaping designs.

The Preparation

Once the technicians have found an exact pigment they’ll use to tattoo your head, they’ll then use a special pen or marker to trace a new hairline around your scalp. The final procedure will effectively give you something that ends up looking a lot like a permanent buzz cut, so it’s important to nail down the details of how sharp you want the edges before the needle actually ever touches your head. After all this groundwork is set, the final step — the pigmentation coloring — can begin.

The Coloring

It’s not called a “hair tattoo” for nothing
. The technicians will use a real needle to color each tiny hole on your scalp where your follicles would naturally grow. Though each patient is different and has an individual threshold for pain, scalp pigmentation treatments are not purported to be exceptionally painful processes. Most compare it to the general discomfort of getting a regular tattoo anywhere else on the body.

The Follow-Up

As far as hair loss treatments for men go, scalp micropigmentation is also something that requires a few follow-up visits with the experts at the clinic. It’s normal for a bit of the pigmentation to fade in the immediate weeks after the procedure, and when this happens, a handful of touch-ups can be made with most normally covered under the total fees for the procedure.

Now you know everything about the scalp pigmentation process. Well, not quite everything — we’re not the experts, after all. For a more detailed explanation of the treatment, visit a hair tattoo clinic near you.