With at least 100 million Americans suffering from chronic pain and many of them stemming from shoulder pain, it’s extremely crucial for patients to see a doctor about treatment before that pain devolves into something worse. It’s not uncommon for things like tennis elbow (TE) to last for six to 48 months if left untreated. […]
How efficient is your healthcare process? If your family of four has a total of ten different daily medications and you are constantly running to the pharmacy at different times to pick them up you are likely not that efficient. If one of those prescriptions is for thyroid maintenance, cholesterol, or high blood pressure, you […]
This December, a new report highlighted the explosion in enterprises providing medically supervised weight loss. These medical weight loss programs will generate a projected $7.87 billion in revenues this year, more than two-and-a-half times what commercial weight loss companies will earn. Marketdata Enterprises, Inc. is a market research firm with decades of experience tracking the […]
Have you recently discovered that you may be in need of hair restoration? Maybe you’ve seen a noticeable thinning on areas of your scalp and you aren’t happy with the way it looks. If so, you aren’t alone. In fact, two-thirds of American men experience some degree of hair loss by the age of thirty-five. […]
Sports can be absolutely brutal at times, and sports injuries are an inevitable part of the game. Because of how susceptible athletes are to getting hurt, it’s important to find an experienced orthopedic surgeon who you can call when surgery is required. Sports medicine has seen tremendous advances over the past decade, and common sports […]
If you are reading this article then that means that you have recognized that you or a loved one may have a problem and are trying to find help and that is fantastic. First of all, let’s see if we can find out if if you or your loved one actually have an addiction to […]