Millions of people get cancer each year, and while it is still a very serious disease, it often is not the death sentence that it used to be. Improvements in cancer screening as well as improvements in cancer treatment mean that many cancers are now curable. Treatments can include radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, targeted immune therapies […]
The clinical study is a crucial way for us to test new medications, treatments, and medical interventions. In fact, nearly half of us agree that taking part in clinical trials is vital. So vital that it brings as much value to our health care system as giving blood. Yet polling shows that a measly 4% […]
Urgent care. For many, it signifies immediate care for urgent, possibly serious cases. For others, it represents the ability to receive care immediately for no matter the condition. Still for others, there is the appeal of not having a primary care physician and getting care from another establishment without the forced relationship with a physician. […]
Urgent care. It is synonymous with immediate and urgent care for issues that range from the mild to the serious. It has many benefits over the primary care physician’s office and one major benefit over the emergency. It has been around since the 1980’s, when there were few options between the two. There are some […]
Processed food. Just the sound of the word can send shivers down someone’s back. It is a dangerous kind of food, usually hidden with tons of sodium and preservatives. Some people may say that they are okay, that they are fine. But there’s a reason why many diets advocate removing them altogether. Processed food is […]
How you look matters. Whether you are considering a scar revision or a hair transplant, you likely understand the value in feeling confident about how you look when it comes to interacting with friends and family members, as well as work associates and people who you are just meeting for the very first time. You […]