Prostate Cancer What is it, What Causes it and How to Treat it

Prostate cancer can be a scary situation for anyone. Lots of questions and anxiety add to the confusion and concern. Learning all you can about treatment of prostate cancer can ease your concerns and help give you something to focus on while on the road to successful prostate cancer treatment options.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a small gland that is located in the lower abdomen of males. It is responsible for producing semen and it is regulated by testosterone. The sperm is produced and exits the body during ejaculation.
What is Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer occurs when a growth of cells forms on the prostate. If prostate cancer treatment or other prostate cancer options are not explored early then the cancer can spread to other areas of the body. No matter where the cancer spreads in the body if it contains cells from the prostate then it is still considered prostate cancer, and treatment of prostate cancer is used.
Are there Different Types?
Most types of prostate cancer are are caused by a growth in the tissue of the prostate gland. How fast the cancer grows is how the prostate cancer is categorized. It is grouped into one of two categories. Aggressive, and nonaggressive. Aggressive prostate cancer grows and spreads quickly, while nonagressive prostate cancer grows more slowly and spreads slowly as well. Prostate cancer treatment of aggressive prostate cancer, of course, will be more aggressive compared with nonagressive.
Is there a Prostate Cancer Cure?
While there is no exact cure for prostate cancer, there are effective treatment options. A cancer treatment center can inform you of all your options and guide you to the best prostate cancer treatment which fits your individual needs. These types of prostate cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy,proton radiation therapy and hormone therapy.
What is Proton Therapy?
Proton therapy is a treatment option which involves using only a focused ray of proton particles. This ray destroys the cancerous tumor cells. This treatment decreases the amount of radiation by almost 60%, and usually lasts between 15 and 45 minutes.
What are the Risk Factors Associated with Prostate Cancer?
Certain risk factors have been directly associated with prostate cancer. While there is no exact cause, there are many things that are directly related to the development of this cancer. These include old age, changes in genetics, a family history of prostate cancer, and certain races. It has also been determined that where you live could possibly play a significant role in developing prostate cancer.
Learning everything you can about prostate cancer not only helps you better understand the disease, but helps you focus on successful treatment as well. Our minds have a tendency to focus on negatives, and by providing the brain with knowledge, it helps turn that focus onto possibilities and hope. Knowing that your condition is treatable and can be reversed makes a world of difference for those searching out prostate cancer treatment options.