When you have a family member who may need to live in a place that provides assistance living for seniors, there are a lot of choices to make. There are places that offer some assistance with everyday tasks as well as those that offer more intensive nursing care. There are adult homes near me that […]
Glee fans, rejoice! Or collectively sigh in disapproval — whichever fits. Show star Naya Rivera recently posted a photo to her Instagram account that flaunted her bikini bod, but to discerning fans everywhere, something was slightly…off. Hollywood Life spoke with two different plastic surgeons in order to get their opinions, and the results were unanimous: […]
Although aging is a part of life that we will all endure, it can be a difficult process to accept. When our loved ones reach a certain point in life, it may become difficult for them to care for themselves and their homes. At this point it may be necessary to seek out the services […]
As unpleasant as it might be to endure, hair loss is quite common for men in the United States. Experts estimate that 60% of all men nationally will indeed suffer from noticeable hair loss by the time they reach the age of 65. But the process of balding can even begin much earlier than that, […]
Do you know where you will go if you need immediate medical attention? For some it might be a hospital or their primary care doctor. For many others, the answer might be a walk in clinic. A walk in clinic can have numerous advantages over a traditional hospital for the treatment of medical conditions that […]
“I take baths all the time. I’ll put on some music and burn some incense and just sit in the tub and think, Wow, life is great right now,” Brian Austin Green, the American actor, once said. Hot tubs are, in some sense, one of America’s most affordable luxuries. Beyond that, they can be a […]