Feeding bags for patients

It seems that older age and increased medical conditions go hand in hand. The older that we get, the more medical problems we deal with on a daily basis. If you have ever been responsible for caring for a senior, you may have been overwhelmed at the amount of medications and medical equipment they required every single day. The abundance of these medical items can also get very expensive. Seniors and older adults who rely on medical products may need to find medical cost savings programs and discount suppliers in order to afford them.

Insurance provider

Health insurance does cover some portion of necessary medications and some types of medical supplies. If your physician deems your medical supplies as required, it is likely that the insurance company will pay for some of it. Depending on your specific insurance plan, they may even cover the entire cost, with a minor deductible. Insurance providers can cover things like canes for elderly, tracheostomy stoma covers, and insulin syringes.

Although insurance providers may have specific standards and products that you are required to purchase, it can be much more affordable than having to pay for these items out of pocket. Uses of canes and other mobility devices soared almost 50% over a recent eight year period, according to interviews of more than 7,600 Medicare beneficiaries (2015). Medicare is paying for more and more of these mobility devices than ever before.

Physician samples

Pharmaceutical companies and medical supply companies often go to physicians to market their products. Their goal is to have the physician prescribe that exact product to patients, thus increasing their sales. Most physicians are left with samples of these items. Consider requesting the availability of any samples from your physician. In many cases, they have no further use for them and are willing to give them to a patient in need. Medical supply samples might include cotton rolls for pain, disposable mattress protectors for temporary use, or tracheostomy stoma covers.

With just 9.3% of adults with diabetes having only diabetes, most adults also have co occurring medical disorders. Other common conditions include arthritis, asthma, chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, and high blood pressure. When a patient is newly diagnosed with a new medical disorder, they may be financially unprepared to cover the needed medical items. Expressing this concern to your primary physician can cut medical costs.

Supplier samples

Pharmaceutical representatives and medical suppliers want to sell directly to the patient also. In most cases, the will accept sales wherever they can get them. They are also often willing to provide samples to a customer who is likely to become a long time patient. Consult with a local medical supplier on the possibility of testing out medical supplies. They may provide samples of difference brands of disposable bed pans, mattress protectors, and tracheostomy stoma covers. This is also a great way to prevent wasting money on a brand that you do not prefer.

Medical assistance programs

If you frequently worry about your ability to pay for the medical items that you need, you might want to consider a medical assistance program. There is state and government funded assistance programs specifically for seniors who struggle with medical payments of items they need. More than a quarter of all Americans and two out of every three older Americans have multiple chronic conditions, and treatment for this population accounts for 66% of the country?s health care budget.

These programs are usually income based. However, if you can prove that your medical costs are overwhelming and leaving you with little to live on, you will generally be approved. Different medical assistance programs cover different types of medical supplies. While one program covers the copays of medications, another might cover supplies like mattress protectors or tracheostomy stoma covers.

Most seniors today are struggling with multiple health conditions. The cost of a medical condition goes beyond the cost of treatment. In many cases, the patient also requires special medical supplies, which can also be very expensive. Patients who struggle with the high costs of medical care may find alternative ways to obtain the medical supplies they require.

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