The Current United States Opioid Addiction Epidemic

Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US, with 52,404 lethal drug overdoses in 2015. Opioid addiction is driving this epidemic, with 20,101 overdose deaths related to prescription pain relievers, and 12,990 overdose deaths related to heroin in 2015. Prescription abuse is currently one of the most common types of addiction. This trend of opioid abuse in lieu of other substance abuse is, in some ways, worse. It is worse both from an economical and addiction standpoint.
Harder to control
Opioids are more difficult to control than other substances, such as cocaine and heroin. Opioids instead, are regularly prescribed to thousands of people, on a daily basis. It is not illegal for someone with a written physician prescription to carry opioids, even if they are emotionally and physically addicted to them. The ease of prescription and accessibility makes it much more difficult to control an epidemic of opioid addiction.
In some ways, opioid addiction is similar to alcohol addiction. Alcohol consumptions are also legal with certain restrictions. However, the different between opioid addiction and alcohol addiction are those restrictions. For example, you are not able to drive above a certain limit. You cannot engage in alcohol consumption if you are under a certain age. Also, alcohol use is easier detectable than opioid use, making it even easier to control.
More common usage
It may also be harder for family members and friends to identify an opioid addiction. The simple use of opioids does not indicate an addiction or the need for an ibogaine treatment program. In fact, family and friends may not even notice any differences in you. It is even likely that they are taking their own forms of opioids. Also, opioids are commonly used to block out pains, so if you have a chronic pain condition, the addiction can be easy to hide from others.
Gateway drug
Opioids are a gateway drug. They provide you with a form of legal euphoria that you quickly develop a tolerance to. You may choose to move to stronger prescription opioids or you may move up in drug classes entirely. In fact, it is estimated that 23% of individuals who use heroin develop opioid addiction. That is because the two drugs work in a similar way, increasing the good feelings in the body and decreasing any signs of pain. An ibogaine treatment program can be beneficial in treating opioid addiction, before it becomes something even worse.
Difficult to withdrawal
Prescription pain killers are known for changing the way the body works. Some prescription opioids also affect the brain?s chemicals, producing changes in the way you emotionally feel. This effect on the body makes it even more difficult to withdrawal entirely. Also considering that prescription opioids block out pains, your body is less likely to be tolerant to pain, in any form. An ibogaine treatment program is recommended in reducing some of the negative health effects of Adderall addiction and alcohol addiction treatment. The ibogaine clinic can also be extremely beneficial in treating opioid addictions.
Reduction in legal or financial troubles
Most people who are suffering with an addiction do not decide to recover until they have reached a low. This low is usually in the form or relationship loss, job loss, or legal or financial troubles. The problem with opioid addiction is that, because of its commonality and ease of availability, it is more difficult to end up legal or financial trouble. However, it can still cause troubles and affect your life in negative ways.
Over 23 million Americans over the age of 12 are addicted to alcohol and other drugs, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug dependency. Today, one of the most commonly abused drugs is prescription opioids. Their ease of use and lack of accountability make them a popular choice. However, they affect the way the brain works and can quickly lead to physical dependence. They can also be a gateway drug as the body develops a higher tolerance. Consider an ibogaine treatment program for your ibogaine detox and addiction recovery needs.