Looking At The Importance Of Urgent Care Centers

Going to your local urgent care clinic is likely to be ideal for a number of reasons, especially if you are a person who does not have health insurance or are even just a person that does not have the time to go see your general care practitioner during their office hours. The local urgent care clinic will be able to provide you with the care that you need in the vast majority of cases and can be vastly superior to going to an emergency room or even a regular doctor’s office.
This is true for a number of reasons. For one, local urgent care clinics have far better overall wait times than emergency rooms, where it is more likely than not that you will end up waiting for at least forty five minutes to an hour, if not even longer, depending on your medical concern and the business of the emergency room on that given night. In a local urgent care location, on the other hand, it is more likely than not that you will wait only a fraction of that time. In fact, up to sixty percent of all urgent care locations throughout the entire country have an average wait time that does not even surpass fifteen minutes. And by the time that you are finally seen in an emergency room, you could have been completely treated and sent on your way had you gone to a local urgent care clinic instead. Data even shows that up to eighty percent of all visits in the typical urgent care center last for less than an hour, getting you back to your life as quickly as possible, something that is highly desirable and can even be considered to be essential for the busy working person.
Your local urgent care location is also likely to be open at more diverse and extended hours than the typical general practitioner’s office. More than sixty five percent of all local urgent care centers will be open before nine am on most weekdays – and sometimes weekends as well – and more than ninety percent stay open past seven pm as well, with a smaller percentage staying open past nine pm (and some urgent care locations are even open twenty four hours of the day, seven days of the week). This allows those who are not able to take off work to bring themselves – or their children – in which much more ease. Not having to take off work is a hugely beneficial thing for many, and some people do not even have the ability to take time off of work without losing what is often very essential pay. Having the opportunity to avoid this will be instrumental and amazing for such people, and their local urgent care clinic provides a viable way in which to do this.
Urgent care centers also provide a broader range of care for more medical concerns and conditions than the vast majority of people realize, those this will obviously be different from urgent care center to urgent care center. But because of this wide array of treatment likely to be available at your local urgent care center, it’s more likely than not that you can easily avoid a hospital stay – and the lost time and money that are unfortunately associated with it. For instance, eight out of every ten urgent care locations are able to diagnose and treat fractures and well as perform more minor wound care, such as for the sprained ankle (of which as many as twenty five thousand will occur in just one day). Intravenous fluids can also be provided at the vast majority of local urgent care locations in the United States – up to seventy percent of them – and can provide essential rehydration for those who have become dehydrated for whatever reason.
Urgent care centers are hugely important here in the United States, no matter what part of the country it is that you may live in. Urgent care centers provide accessible medical care for those who might not otherwise be able to get it, and your local urgent care center provides a viable alternative to the costly and time consuming emergency room visit.