How Mobile Technology is Influencing the Urgent Care Sector

Technology and health care have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship of sorts wherein as one advances, the other is naturally able to reap the benefits as well. This model is perhaps most easily seen in the urgent care sector, where the affordability and convenience of urgent medical care is now being combined with the convenience […]

How Can Urgent Care Help You

The emergency room, although sometimes a necessity, is a place that most of us try to avoid like the plague. So what do you do when you have a sickness or injury that may not necessarily require a trip to the emergency room but you cannot get in to see your family doctor? The answer […]

Should You Go to an Urgent Care Center or to the Emergency Room?

Urgent care visits are expected to increase by approximately 86 percent over the next 12 months, as reported by Urgent Care Association of America. UCAA also estimates that the wait time to be seen on average at urgent care centers is 20 minutes at most. This is significantly less than the amount of time people […]