Why Moms Choose Urgent Care

Picture this: Your son falls from his treehouse in the largest tree in your back yard. With a loud crack, he lands right on his left elbow. He is a baseball player. The season is just 2 weeks out. A situation may never have felt more emergent in your life. What’s interesting, though, is that […]

Things You Should Know About Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgeries are one of the most common surgical practices in the United States. Research actually shows that by the year 2030, approximately 3.48 million joint replacement surgeries should be performed each year. Clearly, this is an area where a lot of people need help. Learning About Joint Replacement Surgery: One of the most […]

Why You Should Cook With Pollen?

When it comes to using spices in the kitchen, most people are able to get by on the basics. Whether the product being used was originally a root, leaf, seed, bark or flower, it can be easily added during the cooking process, or even afterwards in some cases to supplement the existing flavor. But what […]

Think You Might Be Pregnant? Check Your Symptoms Against Common Early Pregnancy Signs

Although as many as half of all women will have an unintended pregnancy by the time they are 45, the early warning signs of pregnancy can sneak up on any woman. Part of the reason why this occurs is that many women don’t realize that they are pregnant right away. In fact, they can easily […]

adult braces treatment

An Orthodontist in Your Mailbox: Mail-Order Orthodontic Kits Gain Popularity

When you have teeth that aren’t straight, and you aren’t happy with them, you may need to get braces today. Seeing an orthodontist can help you to find out what can be done for your teeth with orthodontics. Are orthodontist doctors? Are orthodontists medical doctors? They are dentists who have extra training in orthodontics, but […]

Low Testosterone What It Does and What You Can Do About It

When it comes to low test levels, testosterone is not something you want to see. Low testosterone (commonly known as “low T”) is a medical condition that affects as many as 13 million Americans and counting. Having low testosterone can be debilitating for men. If left untreated (and unfortunately, only 10% of men with low […]