Banned in the US, this Treatment has Helped Millions of Addicts

Methamphetamine addiction is sweeping the country at an alarming rate. Because it is relatively easy to manufacture and inexpensive to purchase it has infiltrated all levels of the socioeconomic equation. According to studies, it is estimated that over 1.2 million Americans used meth last year and that over 400,000 used it in the last month. […]

Telemedicine The New Trend In Psychiatric Healthcare

Although diagnosable mental illness can be found in a large portion of American citizens, the fact is that treatment for those illnesses is often brushed under the rug or treated as less important. Because the wounds of mental illness are “psychic” or mental and emotional rather than physical, those who can’t easily make it to […]

Where Can You Get The Best Immediate Medical Care? Find Out, Here

When it comes to choosing the best doctors to help heal your health, you have to find doctors who specialize in treating your particular ailment. However, there are other places you can check out; for example, you can have your choice of emergency room care, clinics, and other physical therapy options. Granted, a specialist might […]

FAQ What Is Radiofrequency Ablation? How Does It Remove Uterine Fibroids?

Although “ablation” might sound like medical jargon, it’s really quite straightforward. Ablation means a process used to destroy tissue, often using extreme heat or cold. This helpful medical procedure can be used to treat a variety of medical problems, including as uterine fibroids treatment options. For women experiencing the pain, discomfort, and anxiety that’s part […]

Can Laptop WiFi Damage Your Sperm? Concerns Over EMF Safety

In the 21st century, many problems have been largely solved in the developed world. For instance, thanks to vaccines, diseases like polio that plagued the world for millennia have all but disappeared. Unfortunately, for parents looking to protect children the best they can, there are also new threats to public health and safety. With a […]

3 Fast Facts About the Xeomin Botox Alternative That You May Not Have Heard Before

Most people in the United States have heard of Botox by now. It is, after all, the most popular noninvasive cosmetic treatment in the country. What is Botox, though? Botox is made from botulinum toxin type A. It is used to both provide cosmetic benefits and treat certain medical conditions. For the most part, it […]