Reverse tubal ligation

Infertility is more of a common problem than you might think. Believe it or not, 6.1 million women — about 10% of women — in the United States between the ages of 15 and 44 have trouble getting pregnant and/or staying pregnant.

If you’re one of these 6.1 million women, have hope. There are fertility treatment options out there that may be able to help you. Here are just a few such fertility treatments that you may want to talk to your doctor about.

Tuboplasty. A tuboplasty is a surgical procedure that unblocks a woman’s fallopian tubes. A small balloon tipped catheter is inserted into the problematic fallopian tubes, and is then inflated to open it up and create a path for the eggs to pass through. The balloon is then deflated, and removed. A similar type of procedure can also be used as a tubal reversal treatment to undo any proactive surgeries meant to prevent pregnancy.

Sterilization Reversal. – If you’ve sterilized yourself because you didn’t think you wanted children, and now you do, good news. You have the ability to change your mind. Essentially, the areas of the Fallopian tubes that have been severed can be rejoined. This means that this surgery will not only improve your fertility, but actually help you get pregnant.

Fimbrioplasty. – A fimbrioplasty is a microsrugical technique that opens up fimbriae, the “frond-like ends” of the Fallopian tubes, which can sometimes fuse together. This procedure opens up the pathways, allowing eggs to go through, and help women get pregnant.

Keep in mind that getting a fertility evaluation is the first thing you should do
if you’re having pregnancy problems. Only then will the correct course of action become more clear, and when the fertility evaluation does put it more into focus, one of these three options may be able to help you.

If you have any questions, feel free to share in the comments.