Burnout recovery strategies

Burnout is at an all-time high.

Even if you haven’t gone through it yourself, you likely know someone who has. Burnout is a psychological symptom that saps your energy, affects your mental health and leaves you in a poor state to live a high-quality life. Recent studies have estimated as much as half of the American workforce experiencing at least one instance of burnout per year, if not several, and this is only expected to get worse.

Learn about the less common warning signs of burnout and keep yourself healthy this year with your own personal stress toolkit.

You’re Grinding Your Teeth At Night

It’s the smaller symptoms that slip right under our nose. While we can properly recognize feeling unmotivated or being tired, other telltale signs can go completely unnoticed. Grinding your teeth at night, as well as clenching your hands and hunching your shoulders, is a less common sign of compounded stress. The 5 stages of burnout include seeing your energy drained, your mental faculties compromised and your social life feeling like it’s going down the drain. Don’t neglect these small signs and take them as they come.

You Work In The Medical Field

Although burnout affects all professions, physicians have been found to have a higher risk for this condition than the general population. A recent study of medical students across multiple fields saw a reported rate of depression nearly 30% higher than average, with another study finding physicians being twice as likely to report being highly dissatisfied with their work-life balance. Overall, it’s estimated there is a 35% average burnout rate among American physicians. Should you work in the field, or be considering it, the 5 stages of burnout should be studied to keep you in the clear.

You’re Eating Too Much Or Not Enough

Your appetite can tell you a lot about your health. A healthy diet should have plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains, with sugar and caffeine kept to a minimum. A little snacking or indulging in a treat is normal and encouraged, but eating too much junk food can be a sign you’re managing your stress with food. On the other hand, skipping meals and having a noticeable drop in your appetite that lasts longer than two weeks should be taken seriously. Recovery from severe burnout can mean giving your entire diet an overhaul, such as taking out alcohol and applying low-glycemic diet models.

You’ve Lost Interest In Your Hobbies Or Social Life

We all change tastes over time. When you are consistently losing interest in what used to make you happy, however, it’s possible you’re facing one of the 5 stages of burnout. Workplace stress causes at least one million American workers to miss work every day, with a stressful job frequently cited as a major contributor to a loss in personal interest. A great way to combat the 5 stages of burnout is picking up a relaxing and involving hobby, such as painting, gardening or jogging. Not only can you reduce your anxiety little by little, you can stay in touch with what you enjoy.

You’re Becoming Sick More Than Usual

It’s not normal to get sick every other month. While the winter season brings a surge in the common cold and influenza, there is a limit to how often you should be coming down with the sniffles. Chronic stress destroys your immune system and lowers your body’s ability to fight off common illnesses, creating a domino effect that can impact your job, your finances and your home life. Burnout recovery strategies are not felt just mentally. They can help restore your energy reserves, keep you sleeping well and reduce your risk of catching an airborne illness.

Job stress is hitting epidemic levels. If you’re facing at least two of the symptoms on this list you are likely facing the 5 stages of burnout. Reach out to a counselor in your area or find a support group to help build recovery strategies to carry you through the new year.