For some people, a hair transplant is the best way to deal with unwanted hair loss. If you or someone you know is battling hair loss, read on to learn more about hair loss and treatment options.

What Causes Hair Loss in Men?

Hair loss can happen to both men and women, but it is more common in men. Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common cause of baldness in men, accounting for 95% of all hair loss. By the time American men reach 35 years of age, two-thirds of them are experiencing noticeable hair loss. By the age of 50, about 85% of men notice a lot of hair loss, and at any given time 35 million men in America are dealing with some level of baldness. Interestingly, a man will have to lose about half of his hair before it begins to be really noticeable.

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

For women, the most common cause of hair loss is also androgenetic alopecia, and it strikes almost half of all women. Many women will not notice it until their late 50s and 60s, but it is possible to notice it even during one’s teen years. Women are also susceptible to hair loss due to hormonal changes related to thyroid issues, anemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, or pregnancy.

Do Hair Transplants Work?

Pills, creams, and shampoos are not universally effective. A hair transplant is often a more effective way to reverse the signs of hair loss. There are two primary types of hair transplant, known as Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE and Follicular Unit Strip Surgery, or FUSS. Both involve removing hair from an area of the body unaffected by hair loss to wherever balding is experienced.

What Is Involved In FUSS?

The FUSS procedure removes a strip of the scalp, which is then placed in the balding area and secured with incisions.

What is Involved In FUE?

The FUE procedure takes follicular unit grafts of one to four hairs at a time in whatever natural grouping they grow in, harvests them, and the places them into the balding area of the scalp.

What Are The Differences Between These Types of Hair Transplant?

FUSS is an invasive procedure that leaves scars. It also pulls a lot of the scalp, leaving less area to use if future procedures are needed. It takes quite a while to recover from, as well. The FUE procedure, on the other hand, is minimally invasive, has a low rate of complications, does not leave big scars, and can be repeated more easily if necessary.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Another option for hair loss is scalp micropigmentation, which uses methods similar to traditional tattooing to inject hair-mimicking pigment into the scalp. Normally, this treatment is able to match natural hair color carefully and can be used to soften hairlines, add density or fullness, and cover scars from FUSS treatments if needed.

There are many options available for those who are suffering from unwanted hair loss. From a hair transplant to a micropigmentation session, a hair loss specialist can give you more information on the best treatment for your needs.