Ech Ocardiograms are ultrasound tests that evaluate the structure and function of the heart to look at its overall condition. An echocardiogram (echo) helps diagnose a wide range of conditions ranging from valve disease and poor circulation to valve disease. Two of the most common echo methods are transesophageal and transthoracic, and your doctor will inform you of the type right to diagnose any symptoms.

Ecocardiograms can detect numerous heart conditions, such as:

Congenital heart disease, which is a birth defect.
Infective endocarditis caused by an infection in the heart’s valves or chambers.

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Cardiac tumors.
Blood Clots.
Aortic Aneurysms.
Cardiomyopathy that affects the heart muscle.
Valve disease impacts the openings to heart’s chambers.
Pericardial disease that affects the heart sac.

A private echo option is available and fast tracks your scan and results. Quick, easy and affordable, there’s no need for a physician referral to have one. You simply choose a location and will get speedy results online.

Whether you’ve ever had heart problems or not, having an echo can detect underlying issues that may account for certain health symptoms. If your doctor advises having one, inquire about the type you’ll get and what to expect during the test. Often used in emergency situations and for routine checkups, you may need one or more echos or additional tests to determine your overall heart health.

Whether you’ve ever had heart problems or not, having an echo can detect underlying issues that may account for certain health symptoms. If your doctor advises having one, inquire about the type you’ll get and what to expect during the test. Often used in emergency situations and for routine checkups, you may need one or more echo or additional tests to determine your overall heart health.