Uterine Fibroid Removal Options May Provide you Monthly Relief

Some women go through their menstrual cycle each month without much incident. Others dread the four to five days a month they menstruate because of persistent cramping and exhausting heavy flow, sometimes called “gushing” or “flooding.” While some discomfort during menstruation is considered normal, some women find it necessary to seek medical advice about their monthly symptoms. In some of these cases the cause of heavy bleeding and persistent pain are symptoms of fibroids in uterus.
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that begin in the uterus. Although it is not known exactly why women develop uterine fibroids, they are usually easily diagnosed by a pelvic exam and by an ultrasound. Uterine fibroids are usually found in women beginning at the age of 30 and through the age of 40s. Although the average affected uterus has six to seven fibroids, they typically shrink in size following menopause. If your doctor recommends uterine fibroid removal
it will be important for you to discuss off of the options.
Although doctors are not completely certain why women develop fibroids, some conditions are indicators that a woman might be at a greater risk: obesity, nulliparity, the term for not having biological children, menstruation that begins earlier than age 10, and African American heritage. In some cases it is necessary to treat or remove fibroid tumors. While hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus, is the most common surgical procedure for treating uterine fibroids, several other options also exist. Some of the Uterine fibroids treatment options include:
–having them surgically removed, a process called uterine fibroid removal,
–the blood supply to the fibroids can be cut off,
–or, in some situations, the entire uterus can be removed.
In some cases medicine can temporarily shrink fibroids and alleviate the corresponding symptoms. Treatment for fibroids also depends on the symptoms, the location and the size of the fibroids, the woman’s age (how close the person is to menopause), the patient’s desire to have children, and other general health conditions of the patient.
Because fibroids can cause excessive bleeding, the symptoms can also be problematic and uterine fibroid removal
might be necessary. To prevent anemia and other complications of heavy bleeding, women who experience especially heavy periods should consult a gynecologist immediately. If you are a woman who has not yet reached menopause it is important that you always make it to your doctor for yearly check-ups and, if necessary, call if you experience unusual symptoms such as “flooding” or “gushing.” Fibroid uterus treatment is well known and removal of uterine fibroids is nothing you should be afraid of.