Taking A Look At The Absolute Importance Of Women’s Health Care Services

From gynecology to weight loss and wellness services, there are many aspects of womancare that the average woman will need to be aware of over the course of her life. There are many health issues and health care needs that women have separate from men, and so specialized womancare is very much an essential, as any gynecologist can attest to. This womancare is often crucial in regards to pregnancy and the overall reproductive health of a woman, including matters of fertility or the lack thereof, as might unfortunately be the case.
Part of womancare should simply surround educating women about what they need to know about their bodies in order to care for them and live their lives as they choose. Regular breast exams, for instance, are necessary on a monthly basis for women of all ages and are quite crucial for the accurate detection of early stage breast cancer. Mammograms can also help to detect breast cancer and could also be considered to be an essential part of womancare, but they are typically not needed until after a woman surpasses the age of forty and the chances of developing breast cancer begin to climb more rapidly.
Matters of pregnancy and conception also fall under womancare and a pregnant woman should ideally be seeing her gynecology or OBGYN on a regular basis throughout the pregnancy. These regular visits will help to not only monitor the growth of the baby, but the health of the woman in question as well. As the body changes rapidly during pregnancy (with the average woman gaining an extra square feet of skin over the course of gestation – among other changes), it’s important to keep an eye out for worrisome changes, such as in blood pressure, which can indicate more serious problems like pre-eclampsia, a condition that must be monitored closely for the sake of the mother and the baby she carries alike.
Consulting with a doctor before getting pregnant is also an ideal part of womancare, especially as more and more women are choosing to have babies later on in life. After all, the peak of fertility tends to occur between the ages of twenty and twenty four, a period of life during which very few women are actually ready to commit to motherhood and all that it entails. But fertility drops as you begin to age, beginning after the age of thirty. By the time that you reach the age of forty, you see that only around forty percent of women at this age who are trying to conceive will be able to do so in a natural way without the need for any type of medical intervention.
However, there are also a number of other causes of infertility seen in women who are still in their prime years of being able to conceive. These fertility problems, which range from endometriosis to uterine scarring to polycystic ovarian syndrome, are also a matter of womancare. Discussing them and treating them is hugely important even if pregnancy is not necessarily desired, as these medical concerns can have other impacts on health, such as with chronic pain and long term effects on the overall level of good health experienced by the patient in question.
Of course, women are not the only ones who deal with matters of infertility. In fact, women only represent one third of all fertility problems faced by couples, with men representing another one third. In cases of the final one third, fertility problems are brought to the table by both partners. In some of these cases, no fertility problems have been identified on the behalf of either party, and yet the couple still finds that they struggle to conceive.
Speaking to a fertility doctor can help you to understand your options if you are a part of a couple that is struggling to conceive and there are more options to improve chances of conception than ever before. Fertility medications, for instance, are often one of the first steps taken when a couple can’t conceive naturally, followed by more invasive and intensive methods of assisted conception such as IVF. However, even just life style changes, like quitting smoking, can help to improve chances.