Who would guess chasing a little white ball around some grass would prove to be healthy? This video with Arsenal legend Lee Dixon and Rachel Drummond, former pro golfer and now coach, discusses the surprising way in which golf provides an important pressure valve for these competitive athletes. With a deep appreciation for time for getting away for a game of golf, Dixon points out that the sport has physical benefits. However, he most values the way he can let his mind rest while not overtaxing the muscles and joints he uses all week in training. He made the point that Arsene Wenger questioned golf as the best choice for such a high-level athlete. He responded by saying “I’m resting the bit that I need,” while pointing to his head.

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Dixon concurs and adds how the game serves as a link to the times spent with her now-deceased parents as their favorite family sport. She also gets a great sense of satisfaction in playing for fund-raisers that help support her interest in fighting domestic violence. This video also provides the “proof in the pudding” as the two stroll along the greens in a bucolic and peaceful setting without a golf cart. It is easy to see they enjoy the relaxed and rewarding time when golfing without facing the constant competitive aspect of their current and past careers.