6 Signs It’s Time For Rehab

The ultimate goal for alcohol addiction treatment is abstinence from alcohol. However, sometimes it takes a long time to get there and the alcoholic will need support to recover properly.
There are three steps to the treatment of alcohol addiction: detox, rehabilitation and then maintaining of sobriety.
Detoxing comes immediately once a person has discontinued using alcohol. Seizures, fatigue, headaches, hallucinations and vomiting can happen as a result of withdrawal. Hospital visits may be necessary.
Next comes the rehabilitation which involves counseling and often times medications in order to teach the recovering alcoholic how to maintain sobriety. At this point they were covering alcoholic can either go to a rehab and receive the treatment in house or go to daily or weekly counseling to receive treatment from the home. Neither one has been proven as better than the other but going to a rehab where there is no chance of access to alcohol seems to be easier on the recovering alcoholic.
Once those steps to complete the last step is an ongoing process. The maintenance of sobriety requires self motivation and determination. Moral support is crucial. Other than family they recovering alcoholic can attend regular Alcoholics Anonymous meetings which helps people to realize that they are not alone in dealing with this; there are other people that have suffered and are overcoming. Having a sponsor can be very helpful also.
Now before those steps or even began. One must recognize that he is in need of alcohol addiction treatment. It is often hard for someone to face the fact that they have an addiction but here are some signs that can help point it out.
- Tolerance. This is the first and most obvious sign of alcohol addiction. If it used to take you only one or two drinks to get that initial buzz and now it takes three or four this means your tolerance for alcohol is higher and your body is getting used to the alcohol.
- No Control. If you can never seem to stick to your limits this is a clear sign. If you’ve given yourself a time frame that you’re allowing yourself to drink or a number of drinks you can have but cannot stop when you originally decided to then it is time to consider getting help.
- Withdrawal. Having withdrawal symptoms usually happens around 5 to 10 hours after you have had your last drink. Symptoms will get worse within 48 to 72 hours. Withdrawals include depression , shaking, headache, nausea, sweating and even vomiting.
- Neglect. Not seeing the importance in school or work, neglecting your family or failing to meet commitments in lieu of drinking are all clear signs. This includes calling into work regularly because of hangovers.
- Impaired judgement. Getting a DUI or even trying to fight law enforcement officials due to being drunk or having a violent outburst, stealing to support habits for taking unnecessary risks because of impaired judgment all indicate the need for treatment.
- Relationships. Alcoholism has ruined many marriages, families and friendships. If the people around you do not trust you or have started to resent your new or continued behavior could indicate the need for rehab. Do not raise your children as an alcoholic. Alcoholism can transfer from one generation to the next.
Alcohol detox is not easy but it is not worth it to live with alcohol abuse. It can destroy your life and the lives of those around you who love you. Alcohol addiction treatment could be just around the corner. Some of the best rehab centers could be right near you.